Joy is on vacation and while away she asked if I'd like to fill in for her so here goes:
Literacy Buddies is one of the programs individual members are encouraged to support.  "Buddies" are asked to receive a book request from a pre-schooler, buy a book in keeping with the child's request, write a note to the child, put everything in an envelope addressed to the child and turn it into our program chair, Matt Anderson.  Paula and I have sponsored two buddies each school year.  This summer Susan O'Carroll ( announced the Literacy Buddy summer program and asked us to continue our sponsorship.  It was an easy decision - "YES."
We received an envelope in the mail with a request from Alisa for a book about princesses.  Vuitton  asked for a book about watermelon.  We checked on line to see what age appropriate books were available.  Princesses were easy - they're everywhere.  Watermelon books however proved to be a challenge - a challenge easily met by the lady at Barnes & Noble.  After writing letters to Alisa and Vuitton ("we found a book we think you will like about a ....") we got the books off to Susan at Literacy Buddies.  This weekend we received thank you letters from the children  Alisa's letter is here at the right.
Paula and I find there is a special reward for putting books into the hands of children, especially those who may not have books at home.  The literacy Buddy program makes this possible and we encourage you to speak to Matt Anderson or email Susan O'Carroll to become a Mighty Literacy Buddy for the coming school year.