I wanted to thank all of you that participated in the Breakfast with Santa project and fundraising.
First, I would like to thank Joe for setting up the venue this year, and Michelle for getting the ball rolling with ticket sales and getting us an amazing Santa!
Second, I would like to thank those of you who purchased tickets that were donated to the schools. We are going to try and figure out how many were actually used. I don't know who all donated, so I can't thank you personally, but it was much appreciated! I also want to thank those of you who just bought tickets for yourself, or to sell.
Third, I would like to thank those of you who donated a basket or item(s) for the silent auction. If I recall correctly, it included the following members: Doug, Joe, Patty, Kim A., Jeanette, Marianna, Steve, Carolyn, Carmen, Jim and Ann, and myself! Sorry if I missed anyone!
Fourth, I would like to thank the key club advisors for getting us the much-needed support from the high school students! They were wonderful doing whatever we asked them to do!
Fifth, I would like to thank Mary-Lynn for volunteering at the last minute to help organize and train the key clubbers with food ordering/delivery/cleanup/50-50 sales, being elves, etc.! Plus, she stores the aprons, signs, etc.
Sixth, I would like to thank Mary-Lynn and Jim for being Hosts and seating our guests.
Seventh, I would like to thank Kim A. for helping me put together baskets yesterday! She was the thrift store diva that got some good deals on baskets. She also wrapped them up!
Eighth, I would like to thank Kim A. and Kim T, Ann, and Patty for helping set up the silent auction bar to include filling out auction forms, pricing, percentages, checking people out, etc.
Ninth, I would like to thank Steve and Carolyn for sitting up front selling tickets, managing the 50-50 sales (we made $156 off of that), and cashing out the silent auction (Steve will need time to figure everything out since we had advanced and on-line sales, sales at the door and lots of silent auction items).
Tenth, I would like to thank those of you who showed up for breakfast and some of you even brought friends and family!
I know I am forgetting something or someone. There has to be an eleventh THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for all you do!